Please bear with me whilst the blog takes shape, bits and pieces are being added all the time!

Saturday 8 May 2010

MSonT Launch Party

Hey there, welcome to the MissSearles on Tour Launch Party!
This project has been ohh two-three weeks in the making and its been such a stressful* time that we thought we would mark its official launch with a little celebration

So grab a drink

...Heather's already drunk in the corner somewhere...quite possibly sans skirt!!
 and grab an Official Tour Hoody

and jump on the Tour Bus**!!

We're going on tour baby!! 
(If you're a bit confused as to what MSOT is all about then have a quick look at the menu on the top left of the page, all info you need will be there...and if you're still confused then just drop me an email!)

* Please note the slight sarcasm...any of you who have seen my recent Tweets about this project will know how insanely excited I've been about it.
**  Umm, yeah that's not my Bus...but its on the wish list!


Anonymous said...


*waving frantically*

Where is everyone? I brought Baileys and a Daim bar especially for the party!!!

Are they all shopping on my Facebook shop?

Or are they all hiding behind the sofas?

hmm... come out come out wherever you are!!!

Catherine said...

Happy new blog! Very exciting :D

jfb57 said...

Hope we get to use that bus next week!