Please bear with me whilst the blog takes shape, bits and pieces are being added all the time!

Challenge MissSearles

This could either work very well or go horribly horribly wrong but i'll give it a go anyway
I guess the idea ia a bit like Challenege Aneeka, but without Pedro the dog or a helicopter (or was the Treasure Hunt?)
Basically you get to set me challenges/tasks to do whilst I'm on tour, on days out or just when Im having a little break from traveling
I'll ask for ideas every now and then and compile the best ones in a list on this page with links back to challenges when they are completed.
I'll give most things a go (so long as there not illegal or stupidly dangerous) and I'm not adverse to making myself look like a prat, so get your thinking caps on!
  1. Create my own version of STOMP with items from around the house
  2. Learn Dutch Jump Style dancing 
  3. Perform the Hammer Time dance