Please bear with me whilst the blog takes shape, bits and pieces are being added all the time!

The 4 W's

The 4 W's - Who, What, Why and Where?

Who is MissSearles?
I'm a 22 year old blogger from the UK. I've been blogging since mid 2009, you can find out more about me by visiting my personal blog 'MissSearles'

What is MSOT?
MissSearles on Tour is my attempt at trying to do something totally awesome that hopefully alot of other people can get involved with.
The plan is basically for me to travel around and visit new people and places, its a big opportunity for me but I also want it to be an opportunity for other bloggers to.
Where possible I want to try and arrange meet-ups for people to come along to, I suppose you could label it as a bit of a social networking event experiment/adventure for me!

Well that's the plan at least!
It's an idea that definitely in its infancy and I'm still working out the details but I'm hoping it could be something  that's fun to do and interesting for others to take part in.
And if it doesn't work out like I planned? least I gave it a go!

What is a MSOT Groupie? 
A Groupie is the name I give to someone who have become involved with the blog.
You can become a Groupie by
  • taking a MSOT item on holiday and sending in a snap
  • helping me arrange a Bloggers meet-up in your area
  • being my Host and showing me around your city/home town
Just to clarify on the last point, I am not asking to come stay in your homes - I'm more than happy to find a hotel for the duration of my stay, if you want me to stay with you than I'll happily accept but I just wanted to clarify as I don't want people thinking I'm trying to get a free weekend away at someone elses expense!

Why? Because life's to short!
I should probably give you some back ground on whats been going on with me the past few months for you to really understand this.
I've been blogging for just over half a year now, it's always been under the name MissSearles but when I started out it was more of  a blog about me finally feeling like an adult with my own home and a countdown until I was getting married. On Christmas Eve my fiancee walked out on me and things kinda fell apart, its not something I'm going to go into on here because to be honest its not really that important anymore, the long and short of it is that I went away to Holland a few days after it happened and on New Years Eve I created the new MissSearles blog. I wanted something to help me get through the fall-out that was waiting for me when I got home and it really has helped. The few months since then haven't been brilliant, I've been slowly getting myself together but things keep happening to knock me back, in January we had the sad news that my cousin had passed away, throughout February I struggled with pretty much everything and broke down and in March I made the difficult decision to leave my home and move back with my parents. After deciding to move home I started to feel like I was getting back to my old self, things were getting easier and it felt as though a weight had been lifted, I told myself that as of my 22nd birthday I was going to start making positive changes-learning new things, meeting new people and doing thing I wanted to do because nothing was holding me back.
A few days before my birthday we had the news that my Auntie had breast cancer (she's starting radio and chemo treatment in the next few weeks), all these things have made me realise that life's to short to not do the things you want to do, if you've got the opportunity to do something and nothings holding you back then you should.
So that's what MSOT is, quiet possibly my greatest idea ever and my life's too short moment.

I'm hoping to travel to pretty much anywhere and everywhere. I already have a few international trips planned but I'm looking to sort out some more trips based in the UK. You can find a list of them here